Its a BOY Flag five foot tall

Its a BOY Flag five foot tall

    • $15.99
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The 5 TALL ITS A BOY SAIL FLAG RENTAL is an ideal choice for anyone who wants to announce the arrival of a baby boy in a unique and eye-catching way. Standing at a towering height of 5 feet, this sail flag rental instantly grabs attention and ensures that everyone will notice your happy news. The bright blue color with bold white lettering adds a pop of vibrancy to any space, making it perfect for outdoor gatherings or events. Whether you're hosting a baby shower or simply want to celebrate the newest addition to your family, this sail flag rental is an excellent addition to create an inviting and joyful atmosphere. It's easy to set up and sturdy enough to withstand light winds, ensuring that your message will be displayed proudly for all passersby to see.

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