Delivery 1.50 per mile for out of area deliveries.
- $1.50
Calculate price by google mapping 78641 warehouse to the location you want to deliver to. Multiply the milage by $1.50 each time we go from 78641 (23094 Nameless Road to destination.
Example a moonwalk delivery to 78656 from 78641 is 65 miles. 65x$1.50=$97.50 to deliver. Then it is $97.50 to pickup. In ERS put 130 miles. (2-round trips)
Example to deliver the Space Ball Ride with an attendant. We will use one vehicle, one person and one Spaceball to go to event, Run ride, then bring ride back to warehouse. So that is 65x$1.50=$97.50 total charge for delivery because the driver is staying at the event (1-round trip)